2014年5月4日 星期日

ePHOTOzine Sigma 50mm f/1.4 DG HSM Art Lens Review 完全給惡魔引誘

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Sigma has added to their 'Art' range of fast aperture lenses with this new 50mm f/1.4 lens, which will be available to fit Canon, Nikon, Sony and Sigma SLR cameras. This lens costs around £850, which seems like an awful lot for a 50mm f/1.4 lens. However, this lens is pitched as a premium optic to compete with the likes of Nikon's 58mm f/1.4G lens, or Canon's 50mm f/1.2L which both cost well over £1000. In this review, we'll take a look at how it performs.

Sigma 50mm f/1.4 DG HSM Art Handling and Features

Those expecting a classic, compact 50mm f/1.4 lens will be taken aback by the size and weight of this optic. It tips the scales at 815g, is almost 10cm long without the hood and takes 77mm filters. Even so, the lens balances well with the Canon EOS 5D Mk III body used for testing. Build quality is excellent, with high quality plastics with a brushed metal effect finish used for much of the lens barrel and brass used for the bayonet, which adds to the quality impression the lens conveys. However, no claims are made about the weather resistance of the lens.

A silent HSM focusing motor powers the focusing mechanism, which is very quick to confirm focus and accurate, even at maximum aperture. If your sample of this lens does exhibit focusing errors, this lens supports Sigma's new USB Dock accessory, which allows focus adjustments and firmware updates to be applied to the lens, quickly and easily. Focusing is performed internally, so the 77mm filter thread does not rotate, making this lens ideal for use with polarising and graduated filters. The supplied petal-shaped hood fits to the front of the lens via a bayonet fitting.

Full time manual focus can be applied by simply adjusting the focus ring at any time. Manual focusing is a pleasure as the focus ring is very smooth to operate and quite heavily damped. Closest focusing is 40cm from the sensor plane, which is fairly typical for a lens of this focal length and aperture.

Sigma 50mm f/1.4 DG HSM Art Performance

As far as sharpness is concerned, this lens puts in an excellent performance, especially in the centre of the frame. At f/1.4, sharpness in the centre is already outstanding, although clarity towards the edges of the frame lags behind somewhat. Sharpness towards the edges of the frame improves as the aperture is stopped down, reaching very good levels by f/2.8 and outstanding levels by f/4.

25 則留言:

  1. 回覆
    1. 巧厠禾咁,專一玩E仔:>

    2. 李奧同老美可能會輪流開箱:>

    3. hm.......怕五怕比人笑ga?

    4. 毛根有毛根既玩法:>

    5. 重有一個話買硬但未見他開箱

    6. 呢條友成日口行行,絕對信唔過!8-|

    7. 玩公投去決定財子買唔買:>

    8. 李諗住跌到千八蚊先買!

    9. 非也,非也
      又希屎wall head grass 所明

    10. 部仇人機買下一支買下一下刀成皮野,所以話啫,泥坑d泥,你估真係咁硬咩:>

  2. 講真望d衫煲相出黎都係有d死馬一貫黃氣!:-X

    1. 但你喺另一post話:死啦, 我開始有少少鍾意佢 喎:>

    2. 所以我想試鐘,你幾時買黎借畀我?!:))

    3. sigma show room有得試鐘:>

    4. 呢個未必有, Are you sure??

      同埋, 就算有得畀你試, 室內試機鏡不見天日都係冇鬼用啦, 影相要出街實戰先見真章!

      所以都係果句, 明公公, 你買啦! :P 我對枝呃錢 35.4 比較有性趣, 六成原廠紅廠L價錢, 有八成質素都可接受, 而且個 Size 重量又差唔多, 可以考慮。

    5. 支持美國佬值上35L ^_^

    6. 老美,死馬支35.4乜無黃氣咩

    7. 同埋老美已有電鑽機果支,有菲林味:>

    8. 根據死馬過往紀錄, 我唔記于厚望咁~


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