2015年1月3日 星期六


今晚睇完波, 好眼訓...... 原諒我喺另一處直dup篇文過來算......
Originally posted by whk1992 
This is definitely not my style. I almost never take birdy photos, because they usually end up to be blurry and horrible. This time though, I tried out the high ISO settings on my K-50. I'm quite happy with the performance of the camera. At least birds are not blurry now! 

This lens once again surprised me. I picked it up with a Ricoh KR-10 Super and other accessories for just $20. I'm sure there're lenses much better than mine. I don't think I need them, though. 

Click images to open them in Flickr. Pixel-peeping is pointless here -- once you zoom in, you'll see noises. 

"Did he just say no pixel-peeping?"

There's a few more photos in the same Flickr album. Thanks for watching. 

Read more at: http://www.pentaxforums.com/forums/122-lens-clubs/37525-sears-lens-club-47.html#ixzz3NkUn5Vpd

8 則留言:

  1. 回覆
    1. 作者已經移除這則留言。

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    3. 咪係,男人老狗,吳好咁啦!:P

    4. 你啲核突功架同美佬有得揮, 你肯定係佬來, 點會係男仔 =.=

  2. 個鏡筒有啲鬆軟。睇來可以搵定另一枝舊鏡玩


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