2015年5月7日 星期四

Canon EOS 5DS R added to studio test scene comparison

等下5DsR 唔太貴可能入手


Ever since Canon announced its 50MP EOS 5DS R, we've been eager to get it into our studio and in front of our test scene. The wait is over and the 5DS R has been added to our studio comparison tool alongside the likes of the Nikon D810 and Pentax 645Z. 
The 5DS R offers a canceling optical low pass filter to make the absolute most of its high resolution, and was introduced alongside the Canon EOS 5DS which includes a traditional low pass filter. We're still waiting to get our hands on the 5DS, so for now feast your eyes on the 5DS R's 50MP of resolution.
Note that these images were taken with a beta, late preproduction EOS 5DS R. As such, image quality may not be representative of the final shipping product but is likely to be close. 

9 則留言:

  1. 入手又要換個D鏡, 唔係發揮唔到50MP 的威力. :D

    1. 基本上阿發七勾三千六百萬上老鏡如果聞相都死左七八成,再上五千萬我估真係得既135鏡一成都可能冇! :-S

  2. 我得支ef 24mm f2.8 is 食得落

  3. 其實睇番 pixel density, 部m3仲demanding 過 5dsR. 但當然m3只係用最中心個area. 鏡sharpness/contrast最難做得好係去到邊位.

    1. 鏡頭個 Image Circle 做番細,未到 Diffraction Limit 之前,又唔同講法~

    2. 所以m3用舊鏡都仲ok. 5dsR可能要crop. 再唔係就創作力撘救

  4. 5Ds/5DsR 都係果句... 睇定先好買, 因為唔衹係鏡頭個要求問題,
    而且係某個洋人用蛇牌50/1.4 呃做測試o既網頁中... ISO 400 時
    都已經有唔少 Noise... 似足 400D 年代咁...

    所以... 就... 睇定先算啦, 反正... 到時又有一堆人去做嘗鮮o既白
    老鼠... 睇下佢o地個回應係點先至再講其他就係了!!


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