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Canon EF 24-70mm f/2.8L IS in Development? [CR1]
| June 17, 2015
We’ve heard from a few different places over the last few months that an EF 24-70mm f/2.8L IS is currently under development. At the time of the EF 24-70 f/2.8L II launch, there was a lot of talk that an IS version of the lens existed. We had then heard Canon planned to have 4 new versions of the 24-70 focal range. We got the EF 24-70 f/4L IS, which surprised a lot of people and then the EF 24-105 f/3.5-5.6 IS STM arrived, which we consider the basic focal range with a little bit of a broader appeal. We do have the EF 24-105 f/4L IS, but it’s not part of the new lens designs at Canon.
With Nikon rumored to be finishing development on a Nikkor 24-70mm f/2.8 PF VR, it seems unlikely Canon would leave such a lens out of their lineup, a lineup they’re very proud of.
We’re also told that an IS version of the EF 24-70 f/2.8L II would not replace the non-stabilized version, and would probably cost a lot.
There is no timetable and some grains of salt are probably required with this one.
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呢個 "趨勢" 係家陣高像素機身年代越來越明顯...
回覆刪除問題唔係幾貴而係幾時出... 家陣枝 24-70L II 出o左
果幾年, 而枝 EF24-70/4.0L IS又出o左無耐, 如果係
短期內再枝多枝 EF24-70/2.8L IS 出來真係... 自已
玩自己多 D~~~~
講真... 真係出... EF24-85/2.8L IS 就無人會多o野講,
同時再出枝 24-135/4.0L IS 會更妙~~~~~
出支EF 16-135 F4 L IS 更好
刪除有都係 EF-S 16-135 F4 IS.
刪除俾 EF-M... 梗係出枝高質素o既天涯 Zoom 啦...
刪除要永恆 F4 最接近係 minolta 果枝 secert handshake. 但都有時要落到 F4.5 :
聽人傳出尼 新果枝 sony 拍片鏡 28-135G 都有用佢尼做reference.
16-135 好近 10x 變焦 我諗做得好一d都唔易. 仲好靠 software correction...
其實由d800開始已經慢慢有呢個問題, zoom lens出極都好難 out-resolve到 36MP. prime 都仲得. 靚鏡比 sensor難design, 我諗有排等... nikon 友等 24-70mm f2.8 新版等到頸都長.
EF-M T牌有支 18-200mm F3.5-6.3 Di III VC (B011EM)