2015年6月12日 星期五

Nikon patent shows 1-series 70-300mm f/4.5-6 VR lens with Phase Fresnel (PF) element

美國佬可能又要破財 , 我都可能入J5+呢支鏡打雀仔



Nikon patent shows 1-series 70-300mm f/4.5-6 VR lens with Phase Fresnel (PF) element

by Gannon Burgett
posted Thursday, June 11, 2015 at 1:56 PM EDT
A new patent from Nikon details the schematics for a Nikkor 70–300mm f/4.5–6 VR CX lens for its Nikon 1 series mirrorless cameras that utilizes Nikon’s Phase Fresnel (PF) technology, first seen in its 300mm f/4 that was announced this past January.
Originally filed back in October of 2014, the patent lays out a mirrorless telephoto zoom lens, consisting of 19 elements in 3 groups. The fourth element from the front (labeled ‘DOE’ in the patent’s illustrations), is the Phase Fresnel (PF) element, a type of lens developed by French physicist Augustin-Jean Fresnelthat allows for a larger aperture in a lens in a shorter form factor than conventional lenses allow.
The first Fresnal lens was used back in 1823 in the Cordouan lighthouse to throw more light out to the see without the need to use a larger, heavier lens. Nikon has adapted and refined this technology to reduce chromatic aberration in zoom lenses that would traditionally need more and larger elements to achieve the same focal length and quality.
An illustration from Nikon depicting the basic premise behind how its Phase Fresnel (PF) technology works.
As you would expect, there are tradeoffs for using Fresnel lens technology. The largest of these is that when capturing intense light sources, such as streetlights, Phase Fresnel (PF) lenses cause unique, colorful ring flares where the light sources are. Nikon has attempted to fix this issue in post-production, through a feature in its Capture NX-D RAW processing software called ‘PF Flare Control.’ As the image comparison below shows, this feature attempts to reduce the unusual flare produced by PF lenses.
It’s worth pointing out that Nikon’s Phase Fresnel (PF) technology works on the same principle as Canon’s Diffractive Optics (DO) technology, .
The patent doesn’t lay out any other details, such as weight or overall size, but if Nikon’s 300mm f/4 is any hint, it’s safe to say this mirrorless zoom lens will rival even the smallest zoom lenses out there today for Nikon 1 series cameras.
(via Nikon Rumors)

Author’s note: If you would like to learn more on Fresnal lenses, particular those that Nikon uses, PetaPixel has a wonderful write-up for those who might not be optical engineers. You can also look at Nikon’s own description on their website. For those who really want to dive into the history of Fresnal lenses and how they work (they’re used for far more than photography), you 

8 則留言:

  1. Neo 你仲要唔要支 Vivitar ? 6D唔會打版.

  2. 我都從組緊打雀個setup.... LA-EA4 + 70-400mm 有少少唔夠遠 同埋唔係好夠快 =.=''

    1. 重量問題最緊要 6D + T150-600 應該唔可能長期開炮

    2. 我去濕地公園玩六 七個鐘 就覺得 70-400 + A77 mk1 有dd重得濟. 但係無得用 aps-c 同 FF 比. 我其實好想入枝 nikon 300mm F4 PF 但其實加左 1.4x 都係得 400mm 左右 又得番 f5.6 =.='' 所以都等下先

    3. 支70-400 幾克重?.? 我現在6D 755+ T70-300 好像793? = 1548

    4. 齋鏡 1.5kg =.=''

      要加 body 732g 再加直度同第二粒電.....已經唔想再計 T3T

    5. T.T 同支T150-600(1951) 有得比


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