5) Uncompressed RAW: Sony RAW is compressed, not uncompressed. But if we’re getting a lot of requests for it, we should make such a kind of no-compression raw. We recognize the customer’s requirement, and actually we are working on it. And yes Sony could provide that via simple firmware upgrade!
唔係部部機有份 X( A5000 V1.1 後好像冇更新
回覆刪除我估A7系列應該都有, 其他行BIONZ X 果D有機會都有.
刪除WA 好WOR...正WOR...不過又要買HD...果日我DEL左5000幾張相 用左我60幾GB=....=
刪除如果係用無損壓縮, Size應該會差好多, A7R計應該都係差6-7MB一張.